Category: prescription drug costs

Retail prescription spending expected to outpace all other health care spending through 2026
As health care costs continue to rise, many Americans face difficult decisions about their health and financial…

Generic drugs approved in record numbers. Increased competition could drive down costs
Generic medications are often a great way to save money on prescriptions. And in 2017, the Food and Drug…

People are talking: Pharmaceutical companies want you to think they’re holding the line on prices, but consumers aren’t buying it
It’s become a tradition. Many of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies celebrate the new year by raising…

No surprise: Drug makers still making plenty of money
Big Pharma wants you to think they’re making a sacrifice by keeping price increases under 10 percent. Drug makers…

Treating parasites not profitable enough for Big Pharma
Why parasite treatment costs pennies in Tanzania, but hundreds of dollars in the U.S. It’s not difficult to treat a…

Voices’ top five posts about prescription drug costs in 2017
When we asked about prescription drug costs, 93 percent of you said they are too high. Here’s a look at the most…

Consumers want action on rising Rx prices
An open letter to Congress We asked you to share your voices, and thousands spoke! It’s clear – our health care…

Have you heard the news? Drug prices are too high
New National Academies of Science report urges action to reduce Rx costs The Los Angeles Times…

Seniors, are you spending more for prescription drugs?
You’re not alone. Check out the latest numbers. Source: Kaiser Health News In 2015, 1 million Medicare Part D…

Can Congress pass a bill designed to reduce ‘Colossal and completely preventable waste’ of drugs?
Some drug companies knowingly sell expensive treatments in doses too large for individual needs.