
Apr 17

Which industry exercises the strongest lobbying influence in our nation’s capital? Big Pharma among the top contenders

Americans think pharmaceutical drug-makers hold too much power over their elected leaders in Congress. A recent poll

Why does the U.S. spend more for health care than other wealthy countries? Simple answer: Our prices are higher

American consumers spend almost twice as much for health care as their counterparts in other wealthy countries. Why? A

Apr 3

U.S. government and 45 states claim collusion among generic drug-makers. The cost to consumers and taxpayers? Perhaps more than $1 billion

We all assume that generic medications are lower-cost alternatives to brand name medications.

Big Pharma doesn’t just buy doctors’ lunches, industry writes their textbooks

Most consumers have never heard of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, a bulky, two-volume textbook that is

Oregon governor signs bill targeting rising prescription drug prices

Pharmaceutical manufacturers must disclose their reasons for raising the price of a drug by more than 10 percent under

Washington group finds $282 million in unnecessary hospital costs for just one year

A Washington State nonprofit recently tried to put a price tag on the cost of unnecessary care – those screenings

Life-saving rabies treatment can cost as much as $10,000 plus hospital fees

As if having a bat in your house isn’t bad enough, imagine the fright from a $6,017 emergency room bill for rabies

Mar 1

Patients with mounting medical costs turn to crowd-funding

What do you think about this crowd-funding trend? Maybe you’ve seen the plea: A friend, neighbor or even a stranger

Generic drugs approved in record numbers. Increased competition could drive down costs

Generic medications are often a great way to save money on prescriptions. And in 2017, the Food and Drug

Pharma spends $50 billion tax windfall to lower costs? Not even close.

Pharmaceutical industry will dedicate windfall to boosting stock prices Turns out, they’re helping themselves. Nine

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