
Feb 15

Big Pharma launches ad campaign to change its public image

After taking hits in the media and Congress, the pharmaceutical industry has unveiled a multi-year,

Feb 14

The 5 types of doctors most likely to send you a “surprise” medical bill

Surprise medical bills often result from emergency situations or when your primary doctor calls in an out-of-network

Feb 10

Struggling with medical debt? You’re not alone

More than half of Americans in debt are struggling to pay medical

Feb 9

You may suffer high blood pressure even if it’s not detected during doctor visit

“White Coat hypertension” happens when anxious patients visit the doctor and their blood pressure

Feb 8

Health care costs vary nationwide and Oregon ranks higher than other regions

Oregon health care prices were 17 percent above average, according to a report by the Network for Regional Healthcare

Feb 7

Investigation finds pharmaceutical companies profit from “orphan” drug rules

Some drug companies reaped unanticipated profits from the "orphan" drug rule, intended to make sure medications are

Feb 6

People Are Talking: Retirees take action by sharing their prescription drug stories

Rising prescription drug prices directly affect many within the Voices for Affordable Health community. Our posts

Feb 3

Number of families struggling to pay medical bills drops

The number of families with trouble paying medical bills dropped 22 percent in the last five years

Feb 2

Consumers sue drug companies, Congress considers its options

Consumers frustrated by high prescription drug costs are asking both the courts and Congress to find a

Feb 1

Does quality of care suffer when a patient or family member is rude?

There are plenty of reasons to show courtesy and respect, and a new study adds one more: When the parent of a

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