
Oct 6

African Americans with cancer more likely to suffer debt, skip treatment when they can’t afford it

African Americans battling cancer are more likely than whites to wind up in debt or to forego treatment

Oct 4

Health savings accounts: What you should know before you enroll

According to research by the Employee Benefit Research Institute published in the New York Times

Sep 30

Five reasons voters want politicians to tackle rising drug prices and why it’s so hard

Here are five reasons candidates are talking about drug costs and why it’s such a difficult problem to

Sep 27

Do Yelp reviews truly measure patient satisfaction? Yep, research shows they can

Yelp hospital reviews cover most of what’s in the official HCAHPS survey plus more, including insurance and billing,

Sep 26

Big Pharma spent 8Xs more than gun lobby to influence your lawmakers

U.S. drug makers and their allies spent more than $880 million in lobbying expenses and political contributions to

Sep 21

Ask your doctor the right questions about specific conditions. Here’s how.

You can find evidence-based health care answers to questions through ChoosingWisely.org, founded by The American Board

Sep 20

Avoidable readmissions drop at U.S. hospitals

The rate of patients discharged from the hospital and then readmitted for reasons that could have been avoided dropped

Sep 19

Time to get moving. New study shows exercise can help save you $2,500 a year

A new study published in Journal of the American Heart Association finds adults with heart disease could save $2,500

Sep 15

Cat and dog meds cost a lot, too. Tips for buying online

If you’ve recently taken your dog or cat to the vet, you know two-legged patients aren’t the only ones whose

Sep 14

5 tips for claiming a more active role with your doctor

[column md=”6″]Be prepared for your doctor’s appointment. Sounds simple. In practice

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