
Advice from an expert: “If your medicine is expired, don’t use it”
If you take a headache pill or over-the-counter cold medicine months or even years past the expiration date, it’s…

Consumers voice concerns about prescription drug costs
Rising prescription drug costs are a top issue for consumers sharing their stories through Voices for Affordable…

An old drug gets new price and congressional investigation
Marathon Pharmaceuticals has delayed plans to market an old drug under a new label after outrage that the company's…

A majority of American consumers ready for a “virtual” doctor’s visit
A majority of American consumers are willing to skip a doctor visit for follow-up appointments or to ask routine…

In the midst of an opioid crisis, drug maker spikes the price of the antidote
Public health officials describe the nation’s opioid epidemic as the worst drug crisis in history.

Can your fitness tracker spot illness before you can?
In just a few years fitness trackers and wearable health monitors have gone from novelty to trendy.

Five ways to lower your prescription drug costs
Here are five ways to help lower your prescription drug…

Big Pharma launches ad campaign to change its public image
After taking hits in the media and Congress, the pharmaceutical industry has unveiled a multi-year,…
The 5 types of doctors most likely to send you a “surprise” medical bill
Surprise medical bills often result from emergency situations or when your primary doctor calls in an out-of-network…

Struggling with medical debt? You’re not alone
More than half of Americans in debt are struggling to pay medical…