
Jul 5

Fact or fiction: Pets save us when it comes to health care costs?

We know pets make us happier and may bring health care benefits to our lives. Now there’s a new claim that

Jul 5

The sport of the summer may be fun, but it may be more dangerous than we think

Pickleball might be the sport of the summer – but be careful! According to CNN, Americans are projected to spend

Jul 5

Rising temperatures aren’t only an inconvenience, they’re also driving up health care costs

The summer heat is here. It’s not only uncomfortable, it’s also costing us more money.

Jun 13

Groceries or medications? Rising Rx costs force terrible choices

With the costs of everything rising, a new study published in JAMA Network Open shows that older adults in the US are

Jun 13

Did you pay more for health care last year? Some Americans skipped care altogether

Voices for Affordable Health has sounded the alarm on high health care costs for years now, and yet another report

May 22

Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah: Where do they fall on the list of most and least expensive states for health care?

Voices for Affordable Health has talked about the rising cost of health care time and time again.

May 22

Big Pharma hauls in big profits. But at least companies pay taxes. Right?

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat and chairman of the Senate’s Finance Committee

May 22

Sick of seeing pharmaceutical advertisements on TV? You’re not alone

We all know you can’t watch TV without seeing at least one ad for a prescription drug.

Apr 27

Good news for a change! Federal law intended to limit “surprise” medical bills appears to be working

When it comes to health care costs, Voices for Affordable Health often shares sobering news.

Apr 27

Oregon lawmakers consider price limits for prescription drugs

Oregon could limit how much insurers (and therefore their members) can pay for increasingly expensive prescription

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