
Nov 21

California tries, fails to pass ballot measure addressing high drug prices

Proposition 61 would have barred the state from spending more on prescription drugs than the U.S.

Nov 19

This Is An Example Post

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Nov 18

Rx lobby prepares to launch multimillion-dollar ad campaign to fix PR problems

Politico has learned the trade group, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, is requiring member

Nov 15

Looks like the EpiPen will face some competition in 2017

After months of outrage around the high cost of the EpiPen, the makers of an alternative auto-injector announced they

Nov 10

People are talking: “United we can make a difference” to bring down Rx costs

Consumers are responding to Voices for Affordable Health blog posts on prescription drug prices with calls for ways to

Nov 9

Re-import drugs from Canada and other recommendations to states struggling with high Rx costs

States, like consumers, are struggling with skyrocketing prescription drug costs. The National Academy for State

Nov 8

Price for lead-poisoning drug increased 28-fold; lawmakers call for change

The price for one course of lead poisoning treatment has skyrocketed from about $950 when Valeant bought the drug

Nov 3

From double billing to frivolous charges, Voices for Affordable Health community speaks out against surprise medical bills

Voices for Affordable Health is diving into the issue of surprise medical bills. Why do they happen? Can you prevent

Nov 2

Why it’s important to understand your health risks

According to the National Institute of Health, understanding health risks is key to making your own health care

Nov 1

Oregon immigrant and refugee communities work together for children’s health

Refugees and immigrants in Oregon have forged a new partnership, Multiethnic Advisory Group (MAG)

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