
One accident. One location. Why was one ambulance bill three times the other?
Voices for Affordable Health has shared many stories about consumers stuck with outrageous ambulance bills. But we had…

An $18,000 breast biopsy: Hospital makes woman pay more because she has insurance
Here’s a case that may make you angry. Kaiser Health News shares the story about Dani Yuengling…

No surprise: Americans worry about prescription drug costs
A new survey by HealthCare.com finds 4 in 10 Americans who need prescription medications are concerned that the cost…

How the pharmaceutical industry uses patents to inflate your drug costs
There’s documented proof that the costs of prescription medications for U.S. consumers continue to rise. In fact, a…

Law requires hospitals to share their prices. Most still don’t.
It’s been more than a year since a federal law went into effect requiring hospitals to post their prices online for…

Here’s what the Inflation Reduction Act means for you
The $750 billion Inflation Reduction Act that has passed both the U.S. House and Senate invests billions on…

Worried about how you’ll afford health care (and other expenses) after retirement? Check out the Elder Index
Researchers at the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts-Boston have developed an online tool to…

Too many seniors battling cancer can’t afford life-saving medications
Roughly 1 in 3 Americans on Medicare who do not qualify for low-income subsidies also don’t fill prescriptions for…

The Federal Trade Commission is cracking down on Big Pharma over rebate practices that increase prescription costs
The Federal Trade Commission says it’s cracking down on “unlawful business practices” in an effort to drive down…

Mark Cuban’s latest business venture? Taking on Big Pharma
Tech entrepreneur Mark Cuban is shifting gears and launching his own online pharmacy: Cost Plus Drug Company. And a…