Millions Of Americans Will Lose Access To Affordable Health Care Unless Congress Acts

February 12, 2025

Tax credits established under the federal Affordable Care Act are set to expire at the end of the year unless Congress votes to renew them. This might not seem like a big deal, but Voices for Affordable Health dug into the details and found it is, indeed, a very big deal.

These tax credits help lower the monthly costs of health insurance for people who buy their own coverage rather than get it through an employer. The stakes couldn’t be higher, according to the advocacy group Keep Americans Covered.

Let’s look at the numbers:

  • Nearly 200,000 Washingtonians benefitted from these credits in 2023. If the credits are allowed to expire, Washington recipients will pay an estimated $1,200 more for ACA health insurance.

  • Nearly 120,000 Oregonians benefitted from these credits in 2023. Without the credits, Oregonians will pay an estimated $1,300 more for ACA health insurance.
  • Nearly 90,000 Idahoans benefitted from these credits in 2023. If the credits are allowed to expire, Idahoans will pay an estimated $629 more for ACA health insurance.
  • Approximately 350,000 Utah residents benefitted from these credits in 2023. Without the credits, Utahans will pay and estimated $672 more for ACA health insurance.

The Association of Health Care Journalists reports 4 million Americans could lose their health insurance and 7.2 million could lose their subsidies if the ACA tax credits expire.

 What can you do? Speak up.

Voices for Affordable Health has created a petition that we will share with your elected representatives in Congress >>> SIGN HERE.

 If you currently benefit from this tax credit, share your story with us!