Make your voice heard in 2021

January 6, 2021

At Voices for Affordable Health, our New Year’s resolution for 2021 is simple: Amplify your voices in Oregon and Washington.

We’re providing our members in Oregon and Washington with an easy and effective way to make your voices heard. Voices for Affordable Health/Oregon (link) and Voices for Affordable Health/Washington (link) will track proposals that could make your health care even more expensive than it already is today.

We’re also putting our representatives on notice: Don’t vote to raise our health care costs.

Live in Washington? Check out our new page and send an email to your state representatives today!


Oregonians: Here’s your new page. Send an email today.


No matter where you live, we invite our 40,000+ Voices for Affordable Health friends to keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates and calls to action. Follow us on Facebook here.

Together we can make a difference. Let’s prove it in 2021.