Action Alerts

Voices for Affordable Health is based in the Pacific Northwest. We deliver consumer emails to your elected representatives in Olympia, Salem, Boise, Salt Lake City and Washington, D.C.
Our advocates are making a difference. Join us!


Voices for Affordable Health is reaching out with an urgent request for all who live in Washington’s First Congressional District.

Please click below to send an email of support to your congresswoman, Rep. Suzan DelBene. She is working to protect federal tax credits created with the Affordable Care Act.

These tax credits are specifically designed to lower the monthly cost of health insurance for people who purchase their own health insurance coverage. For many of our neighbors, these tax credits make it possible for them to secure affordable health care.



Mark your calendars: Oregon’s Drug Price Transparency program has scheduled a public hearing on Dec. 4 to review the latest data showing how Oregonians are affected by rising prescription costs. Your comments are needed today!

The meeting, to be held in person in Salem and on Zoom, will cover the latest in drug pricing as well as look at who really pays for drug advertising and whether drug rebates actually benefit consumers. Click below to send an email and join other Oregonians who are speaking out on high Rx costs.



A recent survey on health care access and affordability in Idaho finds Idahoans are deeply concerned about their access to affordable health care. Voices for Affordable Health advocates for state and national solutions that promote accessible and affordable care, including: Support for expansion of home-based care. More transparency regarding private equity firms investing in health care services. Making lower-cost medications available. And protecting consumers from hidden fees, such as Emergency Room fees or so-called “facility fees.”


A recent survey by KFF, a health policy research and news organization, found about half of U.S. adults find it difficult to afford health care and one in four reported that either they or a family member had problems paying for health care in the past year. Voices for Affordable Health supports state and national solutions that include: Support for expansion of home-based care. More transparency regarding private equity firms investing in health care services. Making lower-cost medications available. And protecting consumers from hidden fees, such as Emergency Room fees or so-called “facility fees.”

©2025 Voices For Affordable Health. All rights reserved. Email us at [email protected].